Blueberry Smoothie Recipe
Due to the wealth of antioxidants that are present in our favorite superfood, the blueberry, research is showing that it may be capable of slowing down the aging process. The phytonutrients in blueberries, such as polyphenols, are also a healthy, natural anti-inflammatory.
Need to up your veggie intake too? Try adding spinach and blueberries to your favorite smoothie recipe! Here is what I do…
- A half cup of Greek yogurt (flavored will make it sweeter)
- 1 half cup of spinach (I use pre-washed baby spinach)
- 1 half cup blueberries (I find that frozen works best)
- 1/2 of a banana
- Water or Apple Juice
- Ice (You can usually skip the ice if you use frozen blueberries and frozen banana.)
Blend & Enjoy!